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You were Chosen for This

  You were chosen for this. I’m not sure what “this” is for you in your life, but let me encourage you that you were chosen for it.  Hopefully, this little story will help explain what I mean. I once had a conversation with a good friend (a Godly, church-going-all-my-life type of friend) who was expressing to me a difficult part of her life. With all sincerity, matter-of-factness, and honesty-of-spirit she said it felt like when this difficulty came into her life, God opened up the gates of Hell and told them to “go get her.” 😳 I was shocked that someone could feel that and have the audacity to express that. I had not experienced her deep level of pain, so it took me a moment to gather my thoughts. Just then, it’s as if the Holy Spirit gave me the exact words to encourage her with - and a Bible example to back it up. I replied, “I know it may feel like that sometimes, but the problem with that is this: that’s not how our God operates. Remember the story of Job? When Satan cam...
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When Emotions Dance

When the clock strikes midnight, it’s time to get home.  But what we learn at the ball tonight, we need to make known.  Life’s not a party. It’s more of a dance. And thankfully, none of it is left to chance.  There IS an Orchestrator.  He chooses the songs - He handles the beat.  We simply decide what to do with our feet. For now, we sit at our table, content in our seats. We watch all the people.  We converse.  Laugh. And Repeat.  In walks Joy. (We all knew she was invited.)  Her presence alone makes everyone excited.  She’s an old friend, a sweet soul we all know.  She goes straight to the dance floor and (of course) steals the show.  Then suddenly, Joy steps off to the side.  It seems that something threw her off her stride.  It was him.  Everything changed when he entered in.  A sloppy, stinking young man walked through the door.  (People wonder if he’s ever been here before.)  With dirty cloth...