Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Hide-n-Seek (& what it looks like to be Found)

Hide and Seek is a game as old as human nature, starting with Adam and Eve. Down through the years, hide and seek has been a staple kids game - across generations, cultures, time, and place.

Once CoVid hit, our family made an adaptation to the traditional hide and seek game, and now, my girls want to play it almost every chance they get. We call it Flashlight Tag. Basically, if hide and seek and tag got married and had little baby flashlights, that would be this game. It goes something like this:

First, the setting: this game is played inside our house when it's dark outside and all the lights in the house are turned completely off.

Now, for the ground rules:

1. One person is named "it" and begins to count to 10 (in English or Spanish) or count to 20 or count to 100 (if they're a feisty kindergartener and like to show off). Anyway, the person who is "it" counts while everyone else runs and hides.

2. At the end of counting, the "it" person turns on their flashlight and sets out to find someone hiding somewhere in a closet, behind a curtain in a room, behind the door in the bathroom, or inside the washer (that literally only happened once, and by the grace of God, no one was hurt... only they were counseled on why that was a bad idea. We now use the kid lock feature on our washer on the regular. Whew.)

3. Once "it" finds someone's hiding place and shines their flashlight on them, that person turns on their flashlight to become the new person to be "it" and the other person turns off their flashlight and proceeds to find a hiding place.

4. No tag backs. Ever.

5. Yelling "break time" is acceptable at any point in the game by anyone if they need to get some water or need to use the bathroom or just simply feel feisty that their sister is about to tag them. lol.

6. The only way the game will ever end is if mom or dad put a timer on the microwave. Game ends at the beeping sound. Whoever is "it" when the game is done will be the one to start out the game the next time.


As you can see, this silly-little-game-turned-family-tradition is easy to play and doesn't take much skill beyond finding a hiding spot and only requires the expendability of some flashlights and lots of spare AA batteries.

So, as fun as it is, I'm always curious as to what the draw is to playing this game. over. and over. and over. again. On a regular night, at least one of my girls would be afraid of the dark (or at least that's the reason given for never going to bed on time). But they're fearless in this game. And last time I checked, flashlights aren't the #1 top-selling toy for kids. But they want to play this game more than any of the dump-truck-loads-full-of-toys they own. 

As I was thinking it over, I think it simply comes down to a few reasons this game is so loved.

1. The obvious: it's time spent together (sort-of) as a family. Family memories are made from the time someone blended in with the curtain for the entirety of the game… to the time when someone was laying down in the closet & pulled your leg when you went in there (and simultaneously gave you a heart attack because you didn't even know someone else was in there with you).

2. Humans like to hide. 

3. Humans long to be found.

Silly kid games aside, I wonder: Is there anything you're hiding from in your life today? Hiding from a person you disagree with? Hiding from memories of a painful past? Hiding from honestly sharing your full story? Hiding from healthy community? Accountability? Authenticity? What is it that you're hiding from?

Better yet, what would it look like for you to be found?

I don't know your specific situation and life details, but I'm willing to bet (and I'm not even a betting woman), with the amount of surplus AA batteries kicking around in the world today, there's a person, a group, or a tribe that's willing-and-ready to turn on their flashlights and seek you out. They're ready to accept you as you are, and willing to listen to your heart, life, and story.

Through prayer, ask the Lord who those people in your life may be. And with wisdom & discretion, proceed to let them in on what you've been hiding from or what darkness you've been going through. Instead of running away from you, I believe God has already placed people in your life who not only can handle your story, but they will be better off for you sharing it all.

After all, you've been hiding long enough. 

The feisty kindergartener's count is already up to 99.


Now, Tag. You're it. 

Go bring into light the things that are lurking in the dark. 

Be honest with yourself and others. 

Process the past. 

Verbalize the hurts. 

Get to counseling if you need to. 

Get into healthy community. 

& Go tell the story God's graciously given to you.

Your story.

His glory.

& That’s what it looks like to be found.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

March writing prompt challenge #1

March Writing Challenge - Prompt #1

"If March were a color, what color would it be? Write about how you know."

First thoughts lead me to readily saying March is the color green. 

Green, for Spring and all things that grow. 

Green, for warm days (and rowdy kids that love to run outside, going to and fro).

Green, like streetlights that give permission to go.

Green, for holidays like St. Patrick's Day.

Green, for Easter (if that calendar falls that way).

Green, for constant friendships that are here to stay.

Green, because (as my grandpa used to say), 

"It's God's favorite color" and He likes it that way.

But maybe, upon closer inspection, March isn't so bold, so lush, so green.

Maybe March is more serene. 

Maybe cool like the yellow of a daffodil. 

Or light blue, like the sight of the sky from a windowsill.

Or lavender, light pink, or seafoam, if you will.

Maybe March is the color of standing still.

Seeking God's face and inquiring of His will.

Maybe March is for getting older.


or  simply becoming a beholder.

Maybe March is for the madness of games.

Or maybe March - (being opposite of its very name)

 - isn't the color of moving at all.

Maybe it's the mirror of the color of Fall.

The colors of changing, of pause and reflection.

The colors of the past mixed with a new direction.

I don't know now which color to pick.

If March were a color (It seems like a trick.)

Here I've written just a few ideas and clues,

If March had a color palette and preferred its own hue.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Put Down the Pen #MyJesusTestimony

Put Down the Pen #MyJesusTestimony

If you’ve known me for any length of time, you know that I’ve always wanted write a book. But I never was able to nail down a topic for my book, so I just simply haven’t written a book. I blog. Mostly to myself (and a handful of others), and I think my dad follows me occasionally as well. :-)

If you’re looking for a topic to write a book on, be. very. careful. You may just live through the horrors that one day may become the topic of your book.

Let me explain:

You see, this is the time of year - every year - where I reflect on the goodness of the Lord in the midst of one of the most terrible times in my life. Six years ago, around this time of year, I gave birth to my second daughter, Hope.

Here is the story of “The Birth of Hope” in a nutshell:

And then Hope was born. Hope Elizabeth. February 25, 2017. When she was born, all 95 percentile of her filled in a portion of my heart that I never knew was vacant. As most would agree, the birth of a baby tends to change everything. And for me, everything did change. And not just at the time of birth. Roughly five months after her birth, everything for me began to change again. 

At the end of July in 2017, I experienced an mental “episode” that landed me in a mental ward at a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. 

& the abridged timeline went something like this:

Year 2017 

-Post-partum psychosis. (occurs in roughly 1 or 2 births out of 1,000)

-First hospitalization.

-Hypothyroidism = thyroid off the charts… on a scale of 0.4-4.0, I had a 79….(I always have been an overachiever ;-) )

-2 medications.

-Second hospitalization.

-Post-partum depression.

-7 medications.

-Gained 40 pounds due to medication side effects.

-Psychiatrist visit where he subscribed “getting your nail done” as the solution to it all.

-Christian Counseling.

-Prolactin level  = 293, and climbing up into the 400s.

-MRI show possible tumor (prolactinoma) on pituitary gland.

-Get new psychiatrist

Year 2018

-New psychiatrist weans me off of all 7 medications, except thyroid medication & one antidepressant.

-Possible brain surgery (?)

-Swift second opinion doesn’t see a tumor anywhere on my brain.

-Daily nausea/vomitting for a month upon going off of medications. (uncomfortable for sure, but helped shed all that extra weight)




-I became a case study for a national women’s conference on women’s health. (See, told you I know how to overachieve. ;) )

Year 2022

-Met with an endocrinologist for the first time to discuss vast vitamin deficiencies and how VITALLY important this piece of the puzzle was/is. (Not sure why this wasn’t mentioned by anyone else much earlier in my life.)

-Endocrinologist weaning me off of antidepressant and placing me on prescription vitamins

Nearly 6 years later, I’m stable and healthy. I no longer have any symptoms of depression. At all. After that season of rollercoasters, several valleys, and a complete lack of mountains, I can say that life is back to "normal." In a nutshell, I see it that God has basically given me my life and my enjoyment of my life back. As of this upcoming April 2023, I will be weaning off of the remainder of my antidepressant and will only be on medication for hypothyroidism (oh, and vitamins!). Praise the Lord! Just another testament to His goodness and healing hand in my life!


I know after processing this and organizing this into a piece of writing, I look back find it all a bit strange. I literally can not believe all that’s happened to me. It’s almost like I’m writing the script to the story of someone else’s life.  Instead of wishing it all away, I choose to take a step back, realize that IT IS truly MY story, and put down the pen because I recognize that I’m not the Author of this one. I’m not even the main character. More like a supporting character waaaaay back in the background. A single person who has maybe come to this point "for such a time as this." A small pebble dropped into water whose ripple effects have no end in sight. One story told boldly and shared freely for the thousands, maybe millions, that need to be told boldly and shared freely as well.  

So here, I think, is where I should end. The abridged version of my story has now been told. Hopefully, by sharing my story, others will find boldness to do the same. And story by story, the paradigm will shift. And that, my dear friend, is the birth of hope. :-)


1 Peter 4:19

19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.