What do you do with life's unwanted surprises?

What do you do with life's unwanted surprises?

Every now and then, I get a song stuck in my heart/head and just have to bust out singing it at random intervals throughout my day. Mostly, I find myself being urged to sing when I’m in my car or just wandering throughout my apartment. (My roommate can vouch for that…. or, really, anyone who has ever sat next to me at a red light or a stop sign could vouch for it too. #I’mthatgirl )

The current song on the playlist of my mind? A song from children’s church. Not from a children’s church that I’m currently serving in, or anything. But from the recesses of my own recounting of childhood children’s church memories from the 1990s. The song is simple. It’s child-like. But it also packs a lot of theology. Without further delay, it goes something like this, “He’s able… He’s able… I know He’s able... I know my Lord is able to carry me through.” (and when I’m done with that part, I simply repeat it. Over and over again. Partially because I like it and need a constant reminder of the truth of its words. And partially due to my lack of remembering any of the other words)

Tie that ancient song memory from the Rosemary Hill memory archives, which aren’t that extensive to begin with…. Add in the fact that recently life keeps handing me surprises. And multiply that by the fact that I don’t even like surprises, and you’ll soon see where I’m coming from with all of this.

Notice in the above statement that I said, “Life is handing me ‘surprises.’” It’s not handing me some cliché’ lemons to help me add some southern charm and sugar to the situation(s) and make life’s ever-anticipated-lemonade. Let’s be real for a moment, shall we?  I doubt I even have the amount of sugar, the amount of energy, or the amount of sweet southern charm to turn some of these sour situations into goodness.  At least, from my tainted and limited perspective, I can’t.

That’s why these surprises are not simply lemons to turn into lemonade. These things are not in my control to shift into a positive direction. My attitude, actions, reactions, and words are within the realm of my control, but these situations, perceptions, conflicts, circumstances, “life’s surprises,” etc. are not.

What are some surprises I’ve been handed lately? I’m glad you asked.

To start, I’m teaching Bible this year. To 115 fourth graders. That wasn’t in my plans until about a week before school started, but I’m pretty sure it was in God’s plans for my life before I was formed in my momma’s “belly.”

I haven’t talked to him about it, but I’m pretty sure Satan doesn’t like that I’m training up champions for Christ at 100-plus count a day. Because of that, he’s going to attack me with situations that steal my joy. Combat me with conversations (in person, email, or otherwise) that contend for my time and emotional/physical energy. Bombard me with things that bother level of passion for my Lord. And so on. Sadly, on some days, he’s won. He’s stole my joy. He’s zapped my energy. Completely. He’s redirected focus or taken away my passion for what I’ve been called to do (note: not just “trained” or “educated” to do, “called” to do).

I’m not able to compete with that, but I’m done with letting him win. Victory is an earned luxury reserved for the Jesus in me to handle. Know why? Because…

“He’s able… He’s able… I know He’s able… I know my Lord is able to carry me through.”

The madness continues…

On the personal front, my boyfriend just found out he’s getting deployed in a few months. Again. For the third time, actually. He’s actively serving God in church here in Lynchburg. He’s even attending classes in seminary to train for future (and present-day) ministry. He loves people unlike anyone else I’ve ever seen. Why does he have to go? Why him? Why now? Just when things are fitting together here, he’s yanked to go there.

I’m not wired to understand that. Or appreciate that, at this current moment in time. That’s a job for the Jesus in my to surpass my knowledge and enable me “to lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways to acknowledge Him.”  As I do so, He’s confidently, consistently, and carefully directing my (and my boyfriend’s) path(s). Know why? Because…

“He’s able… He’s able… I know He’s able… I know my Lord is able to carry me through.”

And the “surprises” don’t stop there…

In my family, my mom’s health isn’t great. Dad’s still healing from his hip replacement surgery, and sister’s been called for jury duty again like it’s her own personal hobby. (I think this makes 3 times in a year. Is that even legal?) I just don’t get it.

But through salvation and my relationship with Jesus, I get Him, the Holy Spirit. And all the comfort and hope and peace and help that He alone provides.

Know why? Because…

“He’s able… He’s able… I KNOW He’s able… I know my Lord is able to carry me through.”

That’s not all I’m facing, and I’m 100% certain it’s not all the surprises in life that I’ll ever face, but I’m confident of this fact. Whatever may come my way, “He’s able. He’s able. I know He’s able. I know my Lord is able to carry me through.”

What do you do with the surprises life hands your way?

Cry it out.

Sing it out.

Pray it out.

Do whatever it is you need to do,
but at the end of the day, remember this:
He’s able to carry you through, too.


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