Simultaneously Proud and Humbled

You know, over the course of the last handful of years, I’ve noticed that my blog has taken quite the different direction(s). Mainly, because my life-story has taken on new directions, experienced new adventures, and uncovered new lessons to be learned all along the way.

Today, as I went about my daily routine, I realized how lucky I am. Actually, luck has nothing to do with it. I recognized, truly, amidst all the life-change, the redirections, and the varied transitions, how blessed I am.

For me, the moment came today when I saw my sweet husband’s army fatigues in the house.

In that self-same moment, I realized how very proud I am of him, the man he is, the heart he has, the 
way he serves our country, and the way he loves me so ridiculously well. At the same time, I became deeply humbled - to the point of tears – that God chose me to be his wife. Seriously, of all the women in the world that it could have been, it’s me. And only me. And always me. There’s something deeply electrifying about being chosen. Chosen by my husband, yes, of course. But more than that, I've been chosen by my God. He’s chosen me to fulfill this role, for the rest of my life on Earth. Man, He’s good to me.

Think about your spouse, kids, family-back-home, position in life, job, education, ministry, etc. God has specifically and strategically chosen you for that role. No, that’s right, He didn’t choose your neighbor or your best friend. He didn’t chose the person-down-the-road (that seemingly has it all together). He chose YOU.

Whatever your task-at-hand or role-of-the-moment may be, don’t wish it away, try to pawn it off on someone else, or lose your life-joy to a million different comparison games in your mind. (We've all been there before, and no one really wins in comparison-games-of-the-mind.)

God is good. And He showers His goodness upon us through His Son Jesus Christ, first and foremost. Every day, He continually showers blessings and sprinkles blessings-upon-blessings in our lives through the positions we hold, the families we have, and the various other relationships and hobbies we build up throughout the course of our limited time here on Earth.

In just those few moments today, as I was just sitting on my couch and reflecting over my day and my life's direction, I experienced the place where being proud and being humbled collide, and I can tell you that it’s a beautiful thing.

If you’re an American, it’s safe to say, you truly lack nothing.

If you’re a Christian, it’s easy to recognize how very blessed you are.

If you look around long enough and think hard enough, it’s easy to find things in your own life that specifically make you proud – and yet humble you – at the very same time.

I wonder….what is it in your life that makes you simultaneously proud and humbled today?


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