Timing is Everything.

Timing is Everything. (Christmas Season 2012)

For many things in this life, timing is absolutely everything.

Take this morning, for example:

Mom and my sister Rosie decided (against my advice-giving) to go to WalMart. Not just any WalMart though. The one on Normandy Blvd on the Westside of Jax.

Pretty sketchy. and risky, if you ask me.
Questionable in the daytime.
Not-an-option past sundown.

Not even ten minutes into their trip, Rosie texted me to say she overheard some man, who happened to track down a stranger-woman he previously saw at a yard sale, ask if he could buy some artwork off of the woman.
The woman's response? "No. I don't even know who you are."
The man's response? "Yeah, but I remember you. You bought the painting I wanted at that yard sale!"

I love that story. Rosie and I laughed for a while about it.

But then, this thought came to mind:
Timing. Is. Everything.

And isn't that the truth?
If that guy had been at the yard sale earlier…
If the lady in Walmart had only gotten through the line and out of the store earlier…
If my sister wasn't off work and eaves-dropping in WalMart today…

Where would the painting be?
Would the man still have reason to hope?
Would the woman be stalked for the rest of her life until the painting was handed over??
Would this second-hand story still be told? 

I don't know the answers to the "what if's" and couldda, shouldda, wouldda's of that story. much less do I know the answers to the "what if's" and couldda, shouldda, wouldda's of life.

But I do know this to be true.
Timing is everything. Every part of your life is planned with precision and vast amounts of behind-the-scenes detail, whether you like it, agree with it, complain about it, try to control it, avoid it, tamper with it, accept it, or not.
With that said and the rest of the day's shopping experiences fresh in my mind, a few thoughts surface:

1. Stop fighting over the yard sale paintings of yesterday. (Deal with the disappointments of your past, yes. But then, let. it. go. already.)

2. This Christmas season, simply enjoy today.

"Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad IN IT."

3. If you find yourself shopping in Kohl's anytime soon, walk past the Valentine's and St. Patrick's day displays with ease, and don't buy anything from them. It's not time for that yet. Everyone knows it. Someone needs to tell Kohl's to pipe down. (Don't rush into your future...)



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