High, in the sky, apple pie hopes

I had some random thoughts today.
The theme of my thoughts?
But not just any flat-out-boring-sized human hope will do.
As in, "I hope it doesn't rain today." 
"The only thing I can do is hope and pray for the best."
"I hope to make a difference in the lives of others."
"I hope for world peace."

Blah, blah, bland.

These kinds of statements don't necessarily focus on hope, hopefulness, or the hope that is to come in the situations aforementioned. Rather, they disgustingly focus on the hopelessness within the situation(s) at hand, put 'prayer' as a last resort, and depict 'hope' as a destination that may or may not be attainable on this train-ride-go-around of life.

And, let me tell you people, that kind of hope simply won't do.

Which is why I'm not referring to that kind of hope….

I'm referring to something more.

A much greater Hope altogether.

In Goof Troop The Movie, dad and son are pictured singing at the top of their lungs as they go about their way on a road-trip-vacation-of-sorts. (I looked for a YouTube link to show you what I'm talking about here, but I couldn't find it…. so just trust me on this one.) In the cartoon video blast-from-the-past from my dear sweet childhood, this dad-and-son-duo sing their lungs out about some guy who has Hiiiiigh hopes. Yup, to quote them directly, "He's got Hiiigh hopes. Hiiiigh hopes. High, up in the sky, apple pie hopes." 

I wonder…..have you ever had "high, in the sky, apple pie hopes" about something, someone, some circumstance at hand, or some situation to come?

If so, what happened when you beefed up your hope a notch-'er-two and stepped onto the scale to measure what you gained from it all?

Restored purpose...
Increased faith?
Overflowing love??
Indescribable joy!!!
Or nothing at all.

Sometimes, we gain tons by adopting hope by the truckloads. 

Other times, we come up empty-handed, broken-hearted, and left yearning and "hoping" for more.
(Interesting how cyclical that type of thinking is, isn't it??)

Either way, whether we hope tons and gain tons or hope tons and gain nothing, every day there is still always a reason to hope.
Hope high.
In the Sky.
Apple Pie.

The bland kind of hopes we normally settle into simply won't do.
Live life hopeful that the next big breakthrough in your life is right around the corner.
More than that, walk confidently with the knowledge that Jesus, your ultimate Hope, is standing in your corner ready to move on your behalf. He not only walks beside you, but He also goes before you. Protects you, and fights for you in ways that your comprehension can only scratch the surface of.

No matter what challenges life is throwing at you today, embrace Hope to get you through.
(Oh, and while I'm at it, can I mention this one little tidbit?!
Not only is Jesus (a.k.a. the Hope of the world) in your corner fighting on your behalf…..
He's also the heavy weight champion. :) )

He'll always break the scales we measure by. 
Go rest your faith and place your hope in that. :)


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