My Dad's Response to "The Automaticity of a Child"
Why would the little boy think to push the button? Did his Mom teach him about it, or maybe he saw someone else do it and believed he could to. (Other people are watching what you are doing) So why push the button? (Replace the button with faith as needed) 1) There is a door too big for the boy to open by himself. But by the button the door will open. 2) The boy needs to go inside. The door is between him and inside. It must be opened. Couldn't find a brick so tried the button. 3) Other people need to go in. The boy can help them by using the button to open the door for them. 4) The boy can use the button to do what it would take a man to do. 5) The boy enjoys the blast of cold/warm air each time the door opens. 6) The boy opens the door so he can receive the praises of the people around him. 7) Little boys are made to push buttons. It is just something inside them that they can not control. 8) Let's face it, seeing big doors open by pushing a button is just exciting....