
One....two... three...
                Hide -n- seek. It’s child’s play, and we all know how it works. One person counts (without looking!!), and all the others run to their assumed “spots” to hide. They wait, sit tight, and try not to move a muscle whilst the “seeker” comes to find them.
                Lately, I’ve realized that this whole hide -n- seek madness is no longer reserved for child’s play. Rather, it’s become a reality in my life. At times, I feel like everyone’s found their assumed “spots” in life. They’re settled in, and they’re just waiting there. Sitting tight. Not changing a single thing or making a single muscle’s move. Yet, I’m still role-playing as the “seeker.” While, no, I’m not necessarily trying to “seek” out everyone else and disturb them from their comfort places, I do somewhat feel like I’m the only one left on this end of the “game.” Seeking. Searching. Curious to know what’s next on the horizon of my life. Feeling like everything’s up-in-the-air. Not satisfied to sit tight, I’m ready to move. Move away. Move forward.  Just. Move. Or. Change. Something. Bottom line is this: I don’t have it all mapped out. And that frightens me. Because, you see, I used to. I used to have it ALL mapped out. And while life didn’t turn out according to how I planned, at least I HAD a plan. The train didn’t always stay on the tracks I’d made, but at least I knew what the surrounding landscape looked like. Or so I thought. But, now? I feel like I’m out in a desert somewhere. Searching… seeking…waiting…counting as the time passes by… four… five… six…seven…
                After chatting with some Lynchburg friends and visiting some friends in Florida for Spring Break, I find that I’m not alone. People everywhere are “searching” for something. And I’m not just talking about “worldly” people who are searching for the Saviour. I’m talking about good, solid, godly people who simply want…something different. Something greater. Something to break up the daily routines of their everyday lives. Something that lingers when all else fades. Something that defines them and gives them worth. Something… that springs forth HOPE. In themselves. In others. In the world around them. Something. Real. Something. Authentic.
                And through these thoughts and conversations and inward “attitudes” and now facebook note babblings, I realize that I’m not lost in the proverbial “desert” of life. I haven’t been left at the last train stop at the end of the tracks. I haven’t been the “seeker” in this massive reality-sized version of hide-n-seek game. No. I’m giving myself far too much credit. In fact, the very opposite is true. I’m not the “seeker,” after all.  I’m, in many ways, the one in hiding. I don’t go out on “limbs” or step out in faith nearly enough because I’m fearful of what the outcomes might look like. Yet, I’m completely restless in my “hiding spot” because I was never designed to stay that way. I was made for something far greater.
                 Life's ill-deemed “interruptions.” They’re not in my plans. They’re bigger than me. They’re the “this-can-never-become-reality” type dreams. The “could-this-happen-to-me?”-sized visions. And the God-sized Hopes that reach the Heavenlies and remind me that something so lofty should be left in the hands of a more-than-able and capable God. Although I have no clue what all may “interrupt” my life in the next stages of it, I can boldly say it’s time. I’m done with pretending that I’m the only one “unsettled.” I’ve quit believing the nonsense that I’m the only one searching. And I’ve come to realize, that all along, in the midst of it all, I must reckon with two facts of life:
#1. No matter what, fall deeply and madly in love with Jesus. A little more. Every day.
#2. As time passes, the counting in the game will near that magic number ten….And when it does, no matter which “side” of the game I find myself on, I must be ready for those sweet six words that strike a never-ending spark of excitement in each of us: “READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!”
Are you ready?
The “game” is on.


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