Love is in the Air.

October 18, 2010
So, apparently, this fall, two things are in the air.
No joke. Seemingly, everyone I know is finding the love of their lives, getting engaged, or finding out they’re pregnant.
While most are catching this thing called “love” that’s in the air, I’m finding myself catching onto the latter of the two - allergies.
 I haven’t been ultra-sick lately. My allergy issues seem to come and go. But I recently noticed there was a problem when “Claritin” became the number two staple item on my weekly grocery list – right underneath “milk.” Eeeee. #whatsagirltodo
Since I’ve become a pro at “catching allergies” (as if it were some accomplishment to check off of a “to-do” list), I figured I could move on to accomplishing Fall season objective number two: falling in love. But hold up. It’s not what you think.
I’m not overly anxious to meet the love of my life, marry, and ride off into the sunset of my “happily ever after.” While it’s not a bad idea (at all) in theory, I do know what “they” say is true: “When you fall in love with someone, it changes everything.” And quite honestly (and semi-selfishly), I’m not so sure I want my “everything” to change. Nor do I think I’m quite ready for all of that. At least, not this week.
But, I’m not anti-love either.
When the time is right. When the place is right. When the person is right. When the season in life is right. When God’s clearly in the midst of orchestrating it all….
I want to fall in love.
I totally do.
I want to fall madly and deeply in love.

Spiritually speaking, I want to fall in love too.
Madly and deeply in love.  With Him.
The one Who pursues me. Without end. Without measure. Without conditions.
The One I know all about and long to know more of. His character. His ways. His feelings towards me. The future He has in mind for me. The assurance that I have in that He only has good in store for me. The fact I know He’ll never leave me or forsake me.
You see, God’s been pursuing me ever-so-fervently for quite some time now, and I’ve been so busy with this thing called “life” that I haven’t slowed down long enough to pay attention to Him.
But lately, He’s been taking extra measures to get my attention. He’s been using a variety of circumstances, people, and resources to get my attention and focus my heart’s energy in the right place. Some of which (to name a few) are Clayton King’s book “Dying to Live” (read it!), Hillsong’s “At the Cross” lyrics/song (look it up!) , and Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study on the abundance and ability of God (do it).
And as soon as I realized what was happening and what He’s up to in my life, I realized that the whole falling-in-love thing can happen so quickly and easily that it’s almost scary….
Because. It’s. simply. up. to. me. to accept. His. offer.
Like a child with a homemade cut-out heart in hand, His love letter (though it took a long time to write) is finished and waiting for me to read it. (even if I can already guess what it’s going to say)
Like a middle school boy in the midst of an awkward eighth-grade formal, His invitation to dance is out there and eagerly awaiting me to step out in faith and join Him. (even if I don’t know what steps to take)
Like the cliché college grad bending down on one knee, His promises are announced and awaiting my acceptance to live in the fullness of them. (even if the thought of the future scares-me-to-death)
Like a senior citizen who’s been married for fifty-seven years, His love is rooted in not how much it cost Him, but in how very much I’m worth in His eyes. (even when I oftentimes take Him and His love for granted)
The DTR’s been had.
The ball’s in my court.
The choice to fall in love with Him remains to be mine for the taking.
And it’s yours, too.
Are you ready?
Because falling in love with Him…
 …will definitely change your everything.


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