Our Despicably, Disposable Lives

September 6, 2010

So, my house started smelling like bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. and I soon realized that the trash just had to go.
Then, I had these thoughts....

When you hear the word "disposable," what do you think of?

A mother of little ones might think Diapers.

Or Lunchables.

Or Paper Towels.

Ok, you get the idea. We all use disposable items in our lives. They aren't always bad. In fact, they're quite nice. Convenient. Not complicated. In some ways, recyclable. Easy-to-do-away-with. Disposable.

My dear (and often inaccurate) friend, Wikipedia actually got it right when it defined disposable as being "A product designed for cheapness and short-term convenience rather than medium- to long-term durability."

Disposable items often do have their place in our lives. But would you be surprised if I said we've taken this concept of "disposable. nice. convenient. easy-to-do-away-with." and  disposabilized things that shouldn't be disposable.

We've disposabilized things like... (stop and think about each one as you read them)










Quiet time spent alone with the Lord.

Bible studies.

Prayer lives.

Mission trips.

Life dreams and visions.

The list could go on and on and on.

I wrote this just to get you (and me) thinking.
Think about the things in your life.
Go through the junk.
Prioritize what's right and good and acceptable.
Concentrate on what truly matters.
Dispose of what doesn't.
But when you take out the trash, be careful:
What you dispose of should make you desperately more in love with Jesus and the fullness of abundant life that He alone can offer.
 By the same token, what you dispose of shouldn't make others find you "despicable" to be around.

May our lives be sweet-smelling savors of blessings to others and thankfulness to our Saviour, and not a stench of bananas to the world.

p.s. I took out the trash, and my house no longer smells like bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. (For all you Gwen Stefani fans.)


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