Why a blog?

I love to write. There's something freeing about it. Something special. Something unique. Something that allows me to express what I'm thinking, feeling, and how God is moving me through the daily ins and outs of my life's routines. I typically draw spiritual lessons from the "mundaneness" of everyday life, and posts all of my babblings onto Facebook.

I'll be the first to admit it. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on Facebook. #I'mworkingonthat
In attempts to share just a little bit of what God's teaching me on a regular basis combined with the fact that my earthly Daddy inspires me and encourages me more than anything to write, I started this blog. Hence, the name "a girl and her daddy."

On some occasions, you'll see my posts along with my dad's well-timed, wisdom-packed responses to them. But, in most instances, you'll simply see the inner workings of who I am through my writings. I hope my writing encourages you, gives you a fresh sense of perspective, and mostly, inspires you to become the woman or man that God's uniquely designed you to be.

-Rosemary :)


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