Flashlights vs. Hockey Masks
Funny isn’t it, how life hands you stories, memories, trials, and lessons that you never fully understand the impact of until years later on in life? It’s kind of like getting handed a puzzle piece, and not having any surrounding pieces that match it, so you toss it aside and deem it as “insignificant” or “unnecessary” until – one day, it all makes sense. One such life story came to me when I was in the 8 th grade. It was the summer of 1998, and my church’s youth group decided to take a mission trip to Oklahoma to help with disaster relief from a recent tornado that had taken the entire city literally by storm. Everywhere you looked, there was darkness, destruction, devastation, and teenage kids from all over the nation. You see, this trip was huge, actually. Much larger than just my youth group, it extended its reach out to kids from all around the U.S. of A. Even though we were from various parts of the country and had next to nothing in common, many youth...