
Showing posts from April, 2024

Backrow Baptists

 Growing up in a Southern Baptist church, I always heard jokes about "backrow Baptists" being the backslidden ones. Meaning, (in jest, of course) if you sit on the back row of a Baptist church, you've got grievous sins in your life and you're probably somehow backsliding from the Lord. So you can imagine my surprise when my husband suggested we sit on the back row of church today. (In his defense, other Baptists sitting in the area were being good Baptists in that they were taking up all the aisle seats and perfecting the art of not making eye contact in order to not have to move to a seat-in-the-middle.) So there we were, sitting on the backrow, but not backslidden. (To my knowledge, I'll have to confirm with my husband on that one later. haha) Very shortly, the service began. The worship music was inviting and on point. After a few songs, in walks the reason I believe God had us strategically placed on the back row today. In walked a woman with her toddler son.