Acres of Hope

Quite a few years ago, I read a fictional book based on the book of Hosea in the Bible. It's written by Francine Rivers, and it's entitled "Redeeming Love." I read it at a time in my life where God was really using hard times to stretch my faith in His plans and strengthen my understanding of His love for me - especially when His plans and my plans didn't exactly jive. Thankfully, He loves me and knows me better than I know myself. :)

Well, with all said, a friend from Bible study asked to borrow my copy of "Redeeming Love" the other day, so I went to searching for it amidst my collection of books. When I  found the book, I found a typed copy of a blog entry I had written years ago.

Here it is in all its glory:

The book "Redeeming Love" and the song "Acres of Hope" by Shane and Shane share the story of Hosea 2. In Hosea 2, the story of God's forgiveness to Israel when Israel played the harlot is explained through a married couple named Hosea and Gomer. Gomer plays the harlot, but Hosea is commanded of God to forgive her and love her unconditionally.

Application 1: God takes us to the valleys to bring us to the acres of hope.

Application 2: Conflict, hurts - one of two reactions: act out of in anger, or close up in bitterness. It has been said, "Relationships are like glass. Sometimes you want to leave them broken instead of getting hurt trying to put all the pieces back together."

But God calls us Christians to something far, far different.
He commands us, "Seek peace and pursue it."
And encourages us, "As much as lies within you, live peaceably with all men."
And look again at how God handled Israel when they wronged Him. Over and over and over and over. And over again. He was angry with their sin, yes. He was saddened by their lifestyles. He was grieved by their hearts...
But what did he do?

He loved them. Over and over and over and over. And over again. In fact, His love never stopped.
He forgave them. Over and over and over and over. And over again.
He pursued them. Over and over and over and over. And over again.
Did they respond?
Many times, no. But did he give up?

God is so good that He continued to pursue them because He loved them, and He forgave them - even when they were most unworthy of it.

They deserved punishment.
He offered peace.

They deserved death.
He offered life.

The result?
Not just any kind of temporary peace.
But the Peace of God.
Peace that surpasses all understanding.
Peace that cannot come about by any other means.

I'm afraid that far too many people  live broken lives full of broken relationships and forgo peace in their interpersonal lives - all due to unforgiveness.

Without the birth of forgiveness in our lives and in our everyday relationships, the death of bitterness will never be seen.

So, today, if you think about it.... really think about it.
In fact, don't just take my words and opinion on it.
Read Hosea.
See what God did with Israel.
Over and over and over and over again.
And continues to do so even today.
Forgiveness changed lives.

People will wrong you. That's a given. They may even do it like Israel did - over and over and over and over again.

Who deserves punishment in your life?
How can you offer them peace instead?

Make forgiveness a conscious habit in your life.
And may you change lives by doing so.


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