On the Move

Lately, everything seems to be in constant motion. Well, it doesn't just seem. It is. Everything in my current life is in constant motion.

Do you ever have seasons of life like that?

I’m sure each one of us could point to a certain time, place, or season of our lives where everything just keeps moving.

Perhaps, you’re there – in that season – right now. This. Very. Moment.

I’m right there with ya.

So, allow me to make this brief-ish:

1. Everything in my life is literally in-boxes-and-moving-across-town (God has so blessed Jeff and I recently with the ability to purchase and successfully close on a townehouse, so my life is all packing boxes and supervising, as I sit around with my preggo self and watch my sweet husband move boxes from room to room and from apartment to townehouse… don’t worry, we’re not in a rush to move…we’re enjoying daily trips of moving to and daydreaming in our new house together… and we will be seeking out the help of others soon for all the furniture and “big stuff” haha)… Plus, he’s enjoying all the manual labor and the extra WOD’s (workouts of the day). Seriously, he is.  :)

2. Not only that, but also, everything literally within my body is moving too. To spare you some details, I’ll just say this: Hannah Grace is pretty active and strong. (Actively strong? Strongly active?) So active, in fact, that Jeff prayed for her strength and health at the breakfast table the other morning. After prayer, I promptly (and kindly) told him to stop praying for so much strength for Hannah. Her kicks, rolls, head butts, and punches are evidence that that specific prayer has already been fully answered. Haha. I’m truly thankful to the Lord that He’s growing her and making her strong and healthy. But there truly is only so much beating a little mama’s belly can take in one day’s/night’s timing. (Is it weird that the intensity of it caused me to video it for memories to show her one day?)

3. Not only are things on the outside (and the inside) moving, but I would be truly remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the much deeper, more eternal, spiritual movings in my life as well. God is on the move. Amidst the busyness. In spite of the busyness. Because of the busyness. Hovering above and seeping all throughout the busyness. (Really, however you want to look at it, God is moving within in all.)

For those of you that know me well, you know that I always like to equate seasons, events, circumstances, and relationships in my life with an attribute of God that I feel He is currently teaching me. For this season of busyness and sheer excitement, I’m relating it to the lavish love that God has specifically for each one of us.

I’m currently reading through 1, 2, and 3 Johns and doing a Bible study by Kelly Minter called “What is Love,” and today she reminded me of the first part of 1 John 3:1, which says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”  The only way we have any standing with God at all is because of His lavish love for us. His living, active, pursuing, on-the-move type of love. He loves us as a dear father loves his children. Though I haven’t experienced parenthood yet, I’m certain it contains an indescribable kind of love (and sacrifice).

Kelly Minter also shared this little gem, John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” With Easter approaching, it’s especially imperative to stop all the movement and busyness for a while and rest by thinking about how God’s love for us is so vast and lavish that He sent Jesus to rescue us from our sins and adopt us into His family forever.

And last but not least, this morning’s devotion led to this passage: I John 3:17 “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” Because of God’s great love and Christ’s great sacrifice, we gain everything we couldn’t attain on our own, yet everything we need and have/will always long for. As children of God, we need to mirror and duplicate this love to those around us. Merely look for practical ways in your daily interactions and listen for needs in your friends/family/acquaintance circle to accomplish this. You’ll be surprised how truly easy it is to find needs to fill all around you.

No matter what is “on the move” in your life – even if feels like nothing or it’s truly everything all at once – remember that God, in His lavish love for each one of us, is moving amidst the daily ins and outs of your life and mine. Sometimes, He’s center stage and sometimes He’s working behind the scenes, but He’s always working somehow.

He is love.

And love is active.

Therefore, He, in His great pursuing love for us, is on the move.

For me, this reminder causes me to do two very simple yet life-changing things:

1.     Look up in constant, wow-ing thankfulness for all He’s done and all He’s doing.

2.     Look around for practical needs of others to fill, daily.

I just wonder, how does this reminder change your outlook on the busy season of your life? What practices of eternal importance could you set in motion in your life amidst your here-and-now “on the move” stage of life? How could this time be truly bringing you closer to God and the realization of His workings in your life?


  1. YAY! You got a Townhouse! Thanks for this post, I needed to hear this as well:) Love and miss you!


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