Showers of Blessings

Note: This post will be short (I have a newborn!). sweet. to-the-point; and hopefully, it'll encourage you to move to action.

Rainy days are the perfect time to stay inside, clean out your closets/drawers, discover how excessive your goods and blessings are, and then use those items to donate and bless others! If you're with me, here's two organizations I recommend!

#1.  - This is a new one I just found out about (for anyone to donate). They take donations of Bibles, Bible studies, and a variety Bible resources, etc. to send overseas to missionaries and other organizations to people who don't have as ready access to the Gospel and Gospel study aides as we have here in America. And really, who doesn't have a ton of extras of these resources lying around their houses that aren't even being used?

#2. - This one I have given to for years (for women only to donate). They take gently used bras of all kinds and sizes and use them to help enable women to have jobs/income and a way of escape out of the human trafficking industry.

It's amazing what God can and will do with our generosity! Just as God rains down blessings on our lives, let's use today's rainy day (here in Campbell County anyway) to plan/prepare to bless others!

If these organizations aren't for you, that's cool too. Tell me: What are some organizations you like to give to? Post a comment or link to the website here or on Facebook... I'm always looking for new opportunities to rid my life of excess and help others simultaneously!


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