Traits I Want My Daughter to Own

Recently, I read a quote that read something like this:

"Parenting is all about teaching your kids how to live without you. The difficult part is accepting success."

Man, is that quote so true! Now, granted, there are tons of aspects of parenting that are difficult. {Not *just* accepting success at the end of all your efforts.} Perhaps, the most difficult right now for me is the realization that time is short & stops for no one.

Parents must pour into little (growing!) ones as much and as fast and as intentionally as possible in the short amount of time that we are gifted with the presence of our children in our homes.

As any parent will tell you....
On any given day, this is not an easy task.
Most days are messy.
Some days are downright difficult to navigate.
But what's important to note is in the midst of it all: Everyday is a gift. And the joy of the Lord is and should always be your all-reliant strength, especially when it comes to raising kiddos.

Combined with the quote I wrote above, several months ago, I came into contact with the idea of a book by Sadie Robertson's mom, Korie Robertson (from Duck Dynasty). I haven't had the chance to get the book or read it yet, but it intrigues me. The title is "Strong & Kind," and it details the intentional traits she wanted to instill in her children from a young age, so that they one day would be able to navigate a tough world along with share the grace and goodness of the Holy Spirit within them with the world around them.

The quote.
The (idea of the) book.
All of this got me thinking and praying, "Lord, what intentional traits do you want me to instill, talk about, share with, model for, and pass on to my daughter?"

Here's the (working) list I've got so far.
Lovely & Pure

I could go on and on about each one of these characteristics, why I think they are important, and how I plan to strategically and intentionally train them up in my daughter. I know that no excellent work is done on Earth without prayer. I ask that everyone reading this list will do two things. First, stop and pray that God would give me practical ways and special opportunities to make these special traits evident to my daughter. Second, consider what traits you want to pass on to your sons/daughters/ those under your guidance & being raised for the future generation.

Parenting, teaching, mentoring, modeling are all works of sacrifice and gifts that supersede price tags because they're gifts of time, energy, & love - all works of the heart. The goal is to completely burn oneself out, so that you can give a gift of life to someone else. One day, they won't rely on you as much as they do today. But do not fear a job well done. Be prepared for the difficulty of accepting success when it comes your way.

In the meantime, what are you intentionally spreading to the future generation within your life's grasp?


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