White crayons and the overarching power of God

Recently, my two year old has really been into coloring. Not only does she scribble the mess out of each page, but I noticed that she also does something interesting. She uses the white crayon on regular paper just like she uses any other crayon. As I sat contemplating what the purpose of the white crayon was, I realized a spiritual lesson tucked inside of it. A white crayon blends in easily when the page is regular, but it stands out when it is on black paper. And therein lies the spiritual lesson. God’s overarching power seemingly blends into our everyday, regular lives, but it takes the dark places or the trials to make His light (white crayon) to show up the most. I wonder, what trial are you facing today? Pick up a white crayon find some black construction paper and go to town coloring. His overarching power is all around you and working within your trials. 


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