"Don't Pick Me Last!" (Please!)

“Don’t pick me last!”
September 16, 2011
Friday morning.
 As I’m preparing for a school day full of kids, tests, and running noses, I’m writing because it’s on my heart. And quite heavily on my heart, might I add.
The desire of every person.
To want to be wanted.
To be chosen.
To be picked out from the rest.
And those who deny it are just wanting the attention from not wanting to be wanted.

Not only is "don't pick me last!" the universal internal cry of kids on playgrounds, may I dare say it’s the universal eternal cry of people everywhere?
Sometimes, when you look around at the blessings and moving-ons of others, do you ever experience that nagging feeling that God has forgotten you? Your ship has yet to arrive? Or worse yet, your train has already made it to the last destination along your life’s journey?
It’s absurd, really. That idea that says the God of the universe Who brought you here, to this point, in this section of life’s journey, is completely done with you.
When I get to feeling/thinking this way, I tend to revert back to my childhood Sunday-school-song-singing days and find hope in the song that so readily rings true: "He's still working on me, me, me. To make me what I ought to be, be, be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be. He's still working on me!"

God's in your midst. And you know what? He's working admist your midst.
He may be strategically waiting to give you something, reveal to you something, or perhaps He's simply giving you extra time to cultivate your love relationship with Him.
So, with all said, so what if you’re "picked last" for whatever that fill-in-the-blank in your life is right now?
Does that mean He loves you any less? Nope.
It simply means He’s preparing you on a different time scale.
Your passport to all of life’s coveted “destinations” (marriage, kids, new job, new house, new friends, etc.) may have a different time/date stamp. But trust me, it’ll get there all in time. His time. His perfect timing.
What He has begun in you, He will perfect until the day of His coming.
He’s not done with you. Don’t live in such a way that says you’re “done” with Him - even when you feel you're being "picked last."
After all, good things do come to those that WAIT. :)


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