When “helping” isn’t all-so-beneficial...

They’re everywhere.
From community helpers to classroom helpers to even Hamburger Helpers, a day’s routine can barely go without them, in some shape, form, or variety.
Yes, they’re everywhere. But what are they there for? You know, helpers are those people who come alongside you and enable you to perform a job/task you could in NO POSSIBLE WAY do on YOUR OWN. They’re the people you call on throughout the day and thank at the end of the day.
Helpers, of every kind, are sprinkled throughout society and littered throughout little elementary school classrooms.
Taken to a Spiritual level, Scripture even speaks to the idea of “helpers,” as it mentions several times about our Helper from on High. God’s not just a helper. The Bible so matter-of-factly reminds us that He’s a VERY PRESENT help - especially in times of trouble.
Interesting, isn’t it that Scripture doesn’t speak on the issue of helpers in reverse? Meaning, it never places God in the needy spot and us, as Christians, as the “helpers.” And why exactly do you think that is? Well, for one, it’s backwards. The God of the Universe doesn’t need our “help.” And two, it’s impossible. You can’t possibly help someone who doesn’t need your assistance.
But yet, we do exactly that with our lives. We try to “help” God out. In big ways. In small ways. In ways that pertain to life’s details. In ways that pertain to life’s timing. In ways that magnify us and diminish the great picture of life going on around us. And when we do so, we just look silly. Foolish, even. To think that we could “help” God when He so VERY PRESENTLY comes to aid and help and protect and guide and grow us throughout all of life’s circumstances.
God is God. He helps you to be you for His glory and your good. NOT the other way around.
 Submit to that. Submit to Him.  Give Him your time. Give Him your life's details. Let Him be your help in whatever it is you’re facing today.


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