Why Skylar Dixon is my Hero

Why Skylar Dixon is my Hero

I’m not a big follower of the show American Idol, but I have watched my fair share of episodes/seasons in a hit-or-miss fashion. I especially watched episodes consistently when Skylar Dixon’s brother, Colton Dixon, was on the show. He was refreshingly different to watch. He had true talent and a knack for connecting to his audiences. It also helped that he was a Christian and an all-out good-looking guy. Then, I soon found out he was born in the 1990’s, and I felt creepy for watching the show like I once did. So the American Idol fan train stopped there for me on that very same day.
Though I no longer followed the show, I still very much appreciate and enjoy hearing Colton’s song, You Are, on Christian radio on my way to work. It helps me put things in perspective. Check it out if you get a chance:
Colton Dixon’s “You Are”

Though it’s pretty much the same ole’, same ole’ rig-a-ma-role every season, it’s sometimes interesting just to get a little taste of the wide range of talent (and non-talent) that prances across the various stages of the show. What’s more exciting than the talent (to me) is the back-stories that are shared along the way. It truly gives a glimpse of who the person is, who/what has influenced them, and what ultimately has encouraged and pushed them onto this part of their lives. Important stuff, but after a while, it all blends together and seems bland. It’s the same old, same old. Some are chosen and show us uncontrollable amounts of cheer. Some are not and give way to uncontrollable tears. I suppose you and I would act exactly the same way, should our hopes and dreams rise or fall right in front of our faces in a moment’s notice.

Enter Skylar Dixon. This is her third time competing for American Idol. You read that right. Not a first-time hopeful. Not second-time “Let’s-try-this-again-shall-we?” But a repeat offender. A third time’s-a-charm type mindset. A “I am not going to give up on this” attitude. A resolve that transcends her years. And a determination that makes her all-the-more “idol” worthy, in my mind.

I thought at first that I was inspired by Skylar because the girl simply doesn’t take no for an answer. (I can tend to be pretty stubborn about things sometimes, so I can totally relate.)
She’s courageous. She’s confident. She’s consistent.
However, as I began to think through the situation a little more clearly, I realized that the exact opposite is true.
I don’t admire Skylar because she doesn’t take no for an answer.
I admire her because she knows exactly how it feels to take no for an answer.
And she doesn’t let that stop her.

Skylar’s human just like the rest of us, so I’m sure she has her own pocketful of fears and doubts and struggles.
But I can tell you one thing I know she’s NOT afraid of…
she’s not afraid of failing.

She’s afraid of not succeeding.
As a result, she’s going to do anything she can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

And that is exactly why Skylar Dixon is my hero.

With all said, let me ask you this: Who is your hero? What makes them your hero? What is the one thing in your life that makes you want to stop at nothing until its achieved?


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