
Love makes black and white go color,
Love doesn't make things dim.

Whitewash makes picket fences look whiter,
but what's underneath all the trim?

Some things aren't alway surface-level.
Real things in life go deep.

Remember this in the valleys low.
Remember this on the steppes.

Some days you'll wake up wondering,
what else you could have done.
Ah, but one day,

Oh, one day you'll wake up knowing,
Knowing if it's "the One."

Don't go looking for perfection
In the end, it can't be found.

Look for a man who loves Jesus
More than anything else around.

Sometimes "these things take time,"
So be patient. Take heart.

Within the time you're waiting,
Don't get lost in games of the heart.

Rather, become the girl, woman, lady
Whose life simply can't be the same.

You know His heart, you see His face,
you know more than just His name.

God's plan for you is all-consuming
He's the end, the sustaining middle,
The Start.

Don't let that purpose be tainted by
a white-washed, confused little heart.


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