Things I'm learning.... (reprise)

Quite a few years ago, I wrote a list of "things I'm learning…" It contained advice, quotes, and sheer observations about the life I was living and the life that was carrying on all around me. Well, today, I thought about that list for the first time (in a very, very long time) and thought perhaps I should re-create it, in a sense, based on where I find myself in life right now. at this very moment. Nothing came from quote websites or the like… it's all fresh from my little Rosemary brain. Hope you enjoy it, and it brings some encouragement and comfort and COURAGE your way - no matter where you find yourself along life's journey today. :)

Things I'm learning...

1. Assume that everything has nothing to do with you, until directly told otherwise. Even then, know that you can't possibly know the full story. There's always something going on behind the scenes.

2. Don't try to please people. Please God. He'll deal with the people.

3. Sometimes kindness squelches out rudeness. Sometimes, it increases it exponentially. Be kind anyway.

4. The world needs more smiles, thank you cards, and heartfelt expressions of love in circulation today. Use the USPS to do so. Frequently.

5. Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. Once you've caught them, live them out with PASSION. 

6. Dispassionate and discontented people are everywhere. Passionate people are rare. All attitudes are contagious. Be careful who your friends are.

7. If you've already mastered all the dreams you once set out to do, your dreams were too small and attainable, or too much time has passed so that you've conquered them all. Be thankful for what you've accomplished, yes. But get back to the drawing board ASAP. Set bigger goals. Goals that force you to go outside of yourself to complete them. Set a timeline. Buy some new running shoes. Begin to chase after them at full speed.

8. Don't let people hold you back or push you forward. The people who are supposed to contribute vitally to your life always will. The ones that aren't are just distractions to the greater cause at hand.

9. Faith and fear are in constant battles with one another. If you follow hard after one, the other will get tail-kicked to the curb.

10. If you wear your heart on your sleeve, don't be surprised if you get snot on it. People don't always look before they sneeze.

11. Hurt is a part of life. It can help you, hinder you, or hospitalize you. Only you can decide that one.

12. God is faithful and trustworthy. He does not forget us. He longs for the best for us. Don't ever think or convince yourself otherwise. 

13. Encourage others along your life's path. We're all in this together.

14. Saying "no" can be difficult, but it also can be freeing. Try it out sometime this week. But don't be rude. We've got enough of that business floating around. :)

15. Find someone who asks tough questions and requires answers to them. Be friends with that person forever. They're bound to go places. They're destined for big things.

16. Surround yourself with people who challenge you and sharpen you to become a better man/woman.

17. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Even if it is broken, it may not be your job to fix it. Realize your boundaries.

18. If you're uncertain about something, confess it. Don't act like you readily agree with the majority. Challenge the system.

19. Advise less, pray more.

20. Honesty is respectable. Integrity, irreplaceable.

21. There are always more people watching your life than you could possibility realize. Live in such a way that would cause your unintended audiences to be inspired. (Your intended audiences already are.)

22. Be careful what you eat or watch right before bedtime. Strange dreams are contingent upon it.

23. Never lose your child-like vigor and excitement for life. Live everyday like you're waiting for Christmas morning.

24. Buy stuff when it's on sale. Your checkbook (and teacher salary) will thank you.

25. Sing in the shower more often.

26. Love people the way you want to be loved. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Forgive people the way you want to be forgiven.


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