The Age-Old Question: "What did you do at school today?"

"What did you do at school today?"

Not only do I love that a majority of my students get asked that question on a rotating, regular basis from their parents. 

I love the natural responses kids give to their parents.

After teachers (much like my myself) have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into creative lesson plans, what message do children carry home with them?

Typically, one of two major reposes:

"Oh, nothing."


"The same stuff we always do."

While it's somewhat humorous, it's also kind of sad at the same time.
Humorous, because kids just make me smile.
And sad, because sometimes they're not equipped to see the long-term effects of daily lessons or practices. They just see the here-and-now.

Which reminds me….
I oh-so-oftentimes am taught spiritual truths not only by the Holy Spirit, but through the children God's placed in my life. And of course, I find that these two responses children give are very, very, very similar to the ones we sometimes convey to others about the days God gives us here on the earth.

Life is our classroom, if you will; and each day contains various creative lessons, trials, reviews, temptations, tests, etc. (you get the idea)

God literally gave us His all in the form of His Son upon the cross, so that we may even have life and  live it out abundantly…
We may not realize it at the time, but nothing is ever wasted in our lives. God uses all the lessons, trials, reviews, temptations, and tests for our ultimate good and His ultimate glory. Keep that in mind when you're telling others what (God helped) you learn today.

It's not nothing.
And it's not just the same old stuff on an endless cycle of repeats. (God's far too precise to waste the details of your life on meaninglessness.)
It's building up something inside of you.
Just wait.
One day, you'll need to use what you're learning now. (imagine that said in a teacher voice... you're welcome :-) )
And when that day comes near, you'll know exactly why.

I wonder….What did you do ("at school") today?


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