Nobody likes a Tattle-Tale.

10/ 05/12

I teach little kids, so it's only natural for the phrase, "no one likes a tattle-tale" to roll off my tongue at some given point throughout the school year.

Quickly following that phrase will be something to the effect of… "If you're minding your own business, then you won't have time to mind everyone else's."

As I've thought about how these scenarios usually play out, I've come to realize that I am slowly but surely becoming my mother. haha.

Seriously though, I have also come to realize that adults are often guilty of tattle-telling as well - only we somehow think we're more crafty with it.

Adult tattle-telling comes out most in prayer circles, is mentioned only for the sake of "informative purposes," and is usually shared right before an echo-chorus of "bless his/her heart."

The sad thing is this: it doesn't matter how old we get or how fancy dancy we try to dress up our tattle-telling…

The fact remains. No one likes a tattle tale.

As Christians, it is our sole job to simply lift up God's truth.
It is not our place to judge others, nor is it our place to tattle-tale other's business to people who cannot fix or help the situation - even in prayer circles.

Stick with me on this… 
(because here's where the good part kicks in).
As we do our job in lifting up God's truth, by our words, actions, and reactions,
God's Spirit goes to work convicting people of their sin.
It is His work to convict and judge. Not ours.
God not only sent His only Son to die for our sins, but He also sends His Spirit to perform what we oftentimes mistake as our "job" in the lives of those around us.
Today, let Him judge.
Let Him convict.
Let others naturally respond to HIS goodness and mercy and grace and truth, not superficially out of their desire to please us.

I just wonder...
Who simply needs to see the Truth lifted up in your life today?
Let's get busy minding our own business, so that our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions align with the work of His Spirit and lift up the Truth to those around us that need to experience it most.

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. - Matthew 5:13


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